Has the mountain of shop stuff on her front porch collapsed, trapping her underneath? Not yet.
Has she gone into preterm labor? Oh, doesn't she wish she skip the next 11 weeks!
Has she taken full time to cleaning up animal messes around the house? Well, sort of.
Has she been up to fabulous shopping trips where she finds even more amazing shop items? A little bit.
Has the enclosed porch transformation completely consumed her every waking moment? Ding, ding, ding, ding. Winner!
Yes, the enclosed porch turned Haus Proud showroom project has begun. And taken over my life. This might be one of the harder project I have ever taken on in my house because of the budget. To call it shoestring would be an understatement. I have taken to raiding my daughters piggy bank to scrape together enough money for paint and posting crazy barters on Craigslist. I mean, I still look pretty good for 7 months pregnant ;)
So why is it so hard? I am having to scrape the barrel for every penny pinching idea I can come up with to try and get this room done. And I am pretty darn pregnant, so much of the physical labor and chemical use is out. The plan today? Go pick up some low VOC paint and con the three year old into helping. I have one corner of the room cleared out and the plan is to start there and then move the rest of the stuff to that side of the room when it dries. UNLESS a painter from Craigslist replies to my barter offer!
There is a serious chance for disaster here. If it all works out as planned I will be awesomely proud of my design prowess. If not, well then I blame the budget.