Monday, January 25, 2010

The Pantry Moth Explosion

One day I came into my kitchen to find little moths everywhere. On the ceilings, the cupboards, flying around overhead. A quick trip to google quickly labeled them as pantry moths and they were nesting in my food. EEEEEEEEW.

We have a hutch in our kitchen that I used to keep our snacks on and it looks like that was where they started. I quickly decided not to have our food out in the open anymore. A serious cleaning of the kitchen from top to bottom was therapeutic as well productive. I also chucked any open food and pored over the sealed bags as well. Yes, the can get inside a sealed bag! Again, eeeeeeeew.

Turns out the hutch that I used to keep my Baked Cheese Crunchies on makes for a pretty nice display shelf. I ditched the food and replaced it with some of my favorite kitchen items (and a few I snagged from the shop! See if you can spot them...). I am still on the hunt for a vintage hutch that is the right size to fit there, but for now the one from Costs Plus has served us pretty well. I can't tell you how much of a difference it made in the kitchen. I never realized how junkie the shelves looked packed with food until it was gone and replaced with sparkling glass and mid century baking dishes. My food will stay hidden behind the pantry door from here on out.

1 comment:

  1. Talk about turning lemons into lemonade. Look how cute your new display is!!
